Registration: HB-YFR Year of construction: 1993 Country: Switzerland City/Aerodrome: Siion, Switzerland
Private, Homebuilt, Amaateur Built, Experimental Aircraft
In very good condition
Specifications subject to verification by purchaer
Airplane time state
TT: 1082 hrs
Engine Lycoming O-320-E2D, S/N L-36817-27AC
Originally O-320-E2A, modified in -E2D in September 2018
Total Time: 2942
TSOH: 1082
Factory Overhauled in December 1988
Shock loading inspection, magnetos overhaul, after propeller ground strike. Completed in May 2018
Propeller MTV-17-C, S/N 92-281
TT: 1082
TSOH: 60
Manufactured in 1992
Overhauled in October 2018
2 seats, Beige leather with black seat belts, in good condition
Yellow, in good condition
Dynon Avionics D-10 EFIS
Becker AR6201 COM 760 Channels, 8.33 KHz
Garmin GTX328 Transponder S
ACK A30.4 Encoder
Artex ME406 ELT
Rochester oil pressure indicator
Always hangared
Maximum Take Off Weight: 765 kg
Empty Weight: 468 kg
Annual inspection completed December 2020 at TT: 1072:12
Swiss CAA Inspection for renewal of permit to fly completed November 19, 2019
Gear up landing in 2006 at TT: 622:35
Repaired lower engine cowling, belly, flaps
Landing accident in 2017 at TT: 106:22
Flaps and rudder repairs, landing gear and wing bolts magnetic particles inspection, RH landing gear repaired, replaced both shock absorbers, replaced ailerons and stabilator piano hinges